
Swimming Lessons

Childrens Swimming Lessons

Learning to swim is an essential life skill. At Chigwell Sport and Wellness Centre, our swimming lessons help children become confident and independent in the water. Furthermore, our experienced, qualified teachers ensure your child stays active, has fun, and improves their swimming skills.

Adult Swimming Lessons

Our adult swimming lessons are designed for all abilities. Whether you’re overcoming aquaphobia, a beginner, or looking to refine your strokes and techniques, we offer tailored lessons to help you gain confidence and improve in the water.

Private Swimming Lessons

Our Private Swimming lessons will provide you with your own swimming teacher, whether you wish to learn to swim or just improve your technique. Additionally, we offer one-to-one swimming lessons to both children and adults of all abilities.

S.E.N.D Swimming Lessons

We are delighted to offer SEN swimming lessons for children and adults. In addition, these lessons create an inclusive environment, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn the essential skill of swimming. Our dedicated teachers have a genuine passion for delivering these sessions and have received specialised training to support SEN learners.

Lessons take place in small groups, and a parent or carer must join their child in the water until they feel comfortable. Each 30-minute session is tailored to meet specific needs, helping both children and teachers focus on relevant and effective learning.

Swim School Block Booking Dates 2025

  • Block 1 (Mon. 8th Jan. 2024 - Sun. 31st Mar. 2024) £109.44

    12 weeks from Monday 8th January 2024 through to Sunday 31st March 2024. Re enrolment week beginning 18th March 2024.

  • Block 2 (Mon. 1st Apr. 2024 – Sun. 23rd Jun. 2024) £109.44

    12 weeks from Monday 1st April 2024 through to Sunday 23rd June 2024. Re enrolment week beginning 3rd June 2024.

  • Block 3 (Mon. 24th Jun. 2024 – Sun. 22nd Sept. 2024) £130.00

    13 weeks from Monday 24th June 2024 through to Sunday 22nd September 2024. Re enrolment week beginning 2nd September 2024.

  • Block 4 (Mon. 23rd Sept. 2024 – Sun. 22nd Dec. 2024) £130.00

    13 weeks from Monday 23rd September 2024 through to Sunday 22nd December 2024. Re enrolment week beginning 2nd December 2024.

All swimming lessons are subject to a £10 joining fee payable when signing up for your 1st block of lessons, if you continue your lessons in to subsequent blocks this joining fee will not be payable. If you leave the scheme at any point and re-join you will be subject to pay another joining fee, please note this joining fee may change at our discretion and the fee is payable by all joiners per child.

Submit an Enquiry

Please include if your child has any swimming experience, and days and times of interest.

Swim School Frequently Asked Questions

Joining and Cancelling Lessons

You can join swimming lessons by visiting the center during opening hours or by phone. Swim lessons are payable in blocks of 12/13 weeks, over the course of 50 weeks of the year. There is a break for two weeks at Christmas and New Year.

We offer lessons for children from the age of 4 months old, in these lessons the children are accompanied in the water by an adult. From the age of 3 years old children can attend lessons independently. There is no age limit on who can learn to swim we offer lessons from babies to adults.

No, our swim lessons can be joined at anytime of the block booking, the cost will be amended with the amount of weeks you will attend.

At the end of the 12/13 week block of lessons current customers will be given a two week window to rebook, if you chose to not rebook after the two week window your place will be opened to new customers.

Switching and Freezing Lessons

We recognise that sometimes situations may change and you may need to change the time and day of your lessons, this can be done by speaking to reception or by calling the center. It will be dependent on space availability. This will mean the day and time will be permanently changed, please note this can not be done on a week by week basis.

Freezing of lessons can only be made on medical grounds and with supporting evidence through our Swim Manager only.


Swim England are the Governing Body for Swimming, At Chigwell Sport and Wellness Centre we follow their National Teaching Plan for Swimming (NTPS).

All our swim teachers hold either a Swim England Qualification (SEQ) Level 2 in Teaching Swimming or a STA Certificate in Teaching Swimming and all hold an up to date DBS check.

Viewing Lessons

Swimming lessons can be viewed from the Café Gallery area, if your child is under the age of 8 years old you must remain in the café area during lessons in case your child needs the toilet.

The Institute of Swimming Logo
The Swim England Logo